Saturday, May 29, 2010

A few pictures around Hyder, AK

Hyder is the closest townsite in Alaska that you can drive to from the lower 48.  In 1998 a guy named Ron Ayers rode a motorcycle theu all lower 48 states then up to Hyder in 7 days and 10 minutes arriving in Hyder the last weekend of May.  Ever since then on the last weekend of May a group of mostly long distance riders have gatheres for a function called Hyder Seek.  This year there were only around 100 riders, down from close to 200 in the past - probably due to the economy. 

Hyder is not an official town, has no local government or law and less than 100 permanent residents.  One of the pictures you will see is an observation walkway where people stand and watch the bears fish - this happens in later June usually.  There is also a picture of me at the entrance to Hyder and one of me standing on a dock with the fjord and beautiful mountain in the background.  The fjord is about 90 miles inland from the ocean and with 18 foot tides the currents can be around 6 MPH as the water flows out or in. 

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