Monday, June 14, 2010

June 11th, 12th 13th & Home!!

Friday Morning I rode to Medford Oregon to get a new rear tire and while the BMW dealer was putting on the tire Debbie Johnson - a friend that I worked with at Sun City met with me and we had lunch and caught up on old times.  After that I rode to Weed, CA and got a room for the night.  The town makes quite a deal over their name as there are several souviners that say "Get High on Weed"  On the way to Weed I pulled off of I-5 and took a picture of Mnt Shasta then the next day I took another picture from a different angle.  It rises to over 14,000 feet and is really beautiful.  I didn't see it on the way North because of the rain.  the other pictures are of a lake in the Lassen Forest that had yellow flowers growing out of the watter and was prettier than the picture shows and a shot of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range as I was getting closer to home.

On Saturday I rode to Fallon, NV - a little town about 50 miles East of Reno where Anne's Aunt Laney lives.  After going out for Mexican food I hit the Bed early so I could get a good start home Sunday morning.  I finally made it home around 3:30 to nice, warm, dry weather.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, you can double click on the pictures and make them bigger.

According to my GPS I rode 7,188 miles and  my bike was moving for a total of 121 hours and 37 minutes.  It rained/drizzeled for 1,800 of those miles - I will try to forget that part of the trip.  I saw so much beauty on this trip that it was hard to capture it for the blog,  mile after mile of wilderness and raw nature.  It was worth the rain.  Thanks for going along with me - Vern

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